Shipment Plan Creation – Shipping to amazon FBA

Shipment Plan Creation – Shipping to amazon FBA

When our inventory is ready to ship to Amazon warehouse we have to create a shipment plan, it is about quantity, shipping method, carrier details of the product you want to send to Amazon warehouse.
• Have an FBA listing
• Download FNSKU (FULFILMENT NETWORK STOCK KEEPING UNIT) from your listing and send it to supplier.
Note: ASIN is digital listing and FNSKU is a physical product linked with that ASIN.
• Get the shipment details
1. Number of cartons
2. Number of units in each carton
3. The weight of the cartons
4. The size of the cartons
5. The shipping company
6. The manufacturer address
7. The expected shipping date
Create the shipping plan:
• Go to amazon seller central, Click Inventory, Click Manage inventory, Select listing on which you are going to create shipment plan (Edit) and then Click Send/Replenish inventory
From now here start putting a detail:
• Put manufacturer/supplier address
• Now choose individual or case pack
Individual packs are single product of varying qualities and condition.
Case Packed is same product the same quality and same condition. (Ask your supplier to make case-pack this will help Amazon to process it fast)
• Put unit per case/box
• Number of cases/boxes
• Here Amazon asks about Prep service that is Who Preps. Amazon gives you guide lines according to product type If there is no preparation required simply select No Preparation Needed
(In this case amazon will generate labels according to you quantity units, amazon will also give you warehouse address where you have to send your inventory.
• Now the step is Who Label – Merchant or Seller? Select Merchant because it will be no cost as your supplier does it. Your supplier will print all labels and paste on your items, but if you select Amazon then Amazon charge you per unit for this small task.
• Review the shipment detail again carefully; name your shipment that could be Product Name + Amount + Date. (It will make easy to remember about your shipment).

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